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Student are required to watch a documentary movie, ‘EARTH’ 2007, and to present the information in infographic manner on an A4 size document. The content requires observation, extended research and reflection on the things that you have been documenting and experiencing, and what interest you the most and maybe some life changing event. So this was my first time ever drawing so it was bad, but I did tried my best to do this assignment, this was my outcome, take a look.




We all went for a trip to Janda Baik for this assignment. We were assigned different animals, and to conduct a miniature shelter for out assigned animal. The construction of shelter should not use any form of glue or tape or any other materials except clear strings and blocks that were given to built. Then, we will have to present the information on 4-6  A2 size presentation boards.

We all went for a trip to Janda Baik for this assignment. We were assigned different animals, and to conduct a miniature shelter for out assigned animal. The construction of shelter should not use any form of glue or tape or any other materials except clear strings and blocks that were given to built. Then, we will have to present the information on 4-6  A2 size presentation boards.


Final Presentation 

We were assign with the animal Mighty Eagle from the movie The Angry Bird Movie.Therefore our title is call Mighty Eagle's Retreat. It was fun having a good group members to work together.

Taylor's Graduate Capabillities

Discipline Specific Knowledge


Understand professional practice within the field of study.

Life Long Learning


Learn independently and be intellectually engaged.

Thinking and Problem Solving Skill


Think critically and creatively.

Intra-personal Skill


Manage myself to be self-reliant and reflect on my actions and learning.

Communi-cation Skill


Communicate appropriately in various settings and modes.

Inter-personal Skill


Understand team dynamics and mobilise the power of teams.

Citizenship and Global Perspective


Be aware and form opinions from diverse perspective.

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